function [out, varargout] = LTSts(y,varargin) %LTSts extends LTS estimator to time series % %Link to the help function % % It is possible to introduce a trend (up to third order), seasonality % (constant or of varying amplitude and with a different number of % harmonics) and a level shift (in this last case it is possible to specify % the window in which level shift has to be searched for). % % Required input arguments: % % y: Time series to analyze. Vector. A row or a column vector % with T elements, which contains the time series. % % % Optional input arguments: % % model : model type. Structure. A structure which specifies the model % which will be used. The model structure contains the following % fields: % model.s = scalar (length of seasonal period). For monthly % data s=12 (default), for quartely data s=4, ... % model.trend = scalar (order of the trend component). % trend = 1 implies linear trend with interecept (default), % trend = 2 implies quadratic trend ... % model.seasonal = scalar (integer specifying number of % frequencies, i.e. harmonics, in the seasonal % component. Possible values for seasonal are % $1, 2, ..., [s/2]$, where $[s/2]=floor(s/2)$. % For example: % if seasonal =1 (default) we have: % $\beta_1 \cos( 2 \pi t/s) + \beta_2 sin ( 2 \pi t/s)$; % if seasonal =2 we have: % $\beta_1 \cos( 2 \pi t/s) + \beta_2 \sin ( 2 \pi t/s) % + \beta_3 \cos(4 \pi t/s) + \beta_4 \sin (4 \pi t/s)$. % Note that when $s$ is even the sine term disappears % for $j=s/2$ and so the maximum number of % trigonometric parameters is $s-1$. % If seasonal is a number greater than 100 then it % is possible to specify how the seasonal component % grows over time. % For example, seasonal =101 implies a seasonal % component which just uses one frequency % which grows linearly over time as follows: % $(1+\beta_3 t)\times ( \beta_1 cos( 2 \pi t/s) + % \beta_2 \sin ( 2 \pi t/s))$. % For example, seasonal =201 implies a seasonal % component which just uses one frequency % which grows in a quadratic way over time as % follows: % $(1+\beta_3 t + \beta_4 t^2)\times( \beta_1 \cos( % 2 \pi t/s) + \beta_2 \sin ( 2 \pi t/s))$. % model.X = matrix of size T-by-nexpl containing the % values of nexpl extra covariates which are likely % to affect y. % model.lshift = scalar greater or equal than 0 which % specifies whether it is necessary to include a % level shift component. lshift = 0 (default) % implies no level shift component. If lshift is an % interger greater then 0 then it is possible to % specify the moment to start considering level % shifts. For example if lshift =13 then the % following additional parameters are estimated % $\beta_{LS1}* I(t \geq beta_{LS2})$ where $\beta_{LS1}$ % is a real number and $\beta_{LS2}$ is an integer % which assumes values 14, 14, ..., T-13. % In general, the level shift which are considered % are referred to times (lshift+1):(T-lshift). % Example - 'model', model % Data Types - struct % Remark: the default model is for monthly data with a linear % trend (2 parameters) + seasonal component with just one % harmonic (2 parameters), no additional explanatory % variables and no level shift that is % model=struct; % model.s=12; % model.trend=1; % model.seasonal=1; % model.X=''; % model.lshift=0; % intercept : Indicator for constant term. Scalar. If 1, a model with % constant term will be fitted (default), else no constant % term will be included. % Example - 'intercept',1 % Data Types - double % h : The number of observations that determined the least % trimmed squares estimator. Scalar. h is an integer greater % than p (number of columns of matrix X including the % intercept but smaller then n. If the purpose is outlier % detection than h does not have to be smaller than % [0.5*(T+p+1)]. The default value of h is [0.75*T]. Note % that if h is supplied input argument bdp is ignored. % Example - 'h',round(n*0,75) % Data Types - double % bdp : breakdown point. Scalar. It measures the fraction of outliers % the algorithm should resist. In this case any value greater % than 0 but smaller or equal than 0.5 will do fine. Please % specify h or bdp, but not both. % Example - 'bdp',0.4 % Data Types - double % lts : structure which controls a set of options of the % maximization procedure. Structure. Structure with the % following fields: % lts.refsteps = scalar defining number of concentration % steps (default = 2). refsteps = 0 means % "raw-subsampling" without iterations. % lts.reftol = scalar. Default value of tolerance for % the refining steps % The default value is 1e-6; % lts.bestr = scalar defining number of "best betas" to % remember from the subsamples. These will be % later iterated until convergence. % The default is 20 (10 of them are the best % from previous iteration in case a level % shift is present). % lts.refstepsbestr = scalar defining maximum number of refining % steps for each best subset (default=50). % lts.reftolbestr = scalar. Default value of tolerance for % the refining steps for each of the best % subsets The default value is 1e-8. % Example - 'lts',lts % Data Types - struct % Remark: if lts is an empty value all default values of % structure lts will be used. % nsamp : number of subsamples to extract. Scalar or vector of length 2. % Vector of length 1 or 2 which controls the number of % subsamples which will be extracted to find the robust % estimator. If lshift>0 then nsamp(1) controls the number of % subsets which have to be extracted to find the solution for % t=lshift. nsamp(2) controls the number of subsets which % have to be extracted to find the solution for t=lshift+1, % lshift+2, ..., T-lshift. % Note that nsamp(2) is generally smaller than nsamp(1) % because in order to compute the best solution for % t=lshift+1, lshift+2, ..., T-lshift, we use the lts.bestr/2 % best solutions from previous t (after shifting by one the % position of the level shift in the estimator of beta). If % lshift is >0 the default value of nsamp is (500 250). If % lshift is >0 and nsamp is supplied as a scalar the default % is to extract [nsamp/2] subsamples for t=lshift+1, % lshift+2, ... Therefore, for example, in order to extract % 600 subsamples for t=lshift and 300 subsamples for t= % lshift+1 ... you can use nsamp =600 or nsamp=[600 300]. % The default value of nsamp is 1000; % Example - 'nsamp',500 % Data Types - double % Remark: if nsamp=0 all subsets will be extracted. % They will be (n choose p). % reftolALS : Tolerance inside ALS. Scalar. Tolerance value of tolerance % for the refining steps inside ALS routine. The default % value is 1e-03. % Example - 'reftolALS',1e-05 % Data Types - double % refstepsALS : Maximum iterations inside ALS. Scalar. Maximum number % of iterations inside ALS routine. Default value of % tolerance for the refining steps inside ALS routine. The % default value is 50. % Example - 'refstepsALS',20 % Data Types - double % conflev : Confidence level. Scalar. Scalar between 0 and 1 containing % Confidence level which is used to declare units as % outliers. Usually conflev=0.95, 0.975 0.99 (individual % alpha) or 1-0.05/n, 1-0.025/n, 1-0.01/n (simultaneous % alpha). Default value is 0.975. % Example - 'conflev',0.99 % Data Types - double % plots : Plots on the screen. Scalar. % If plots = 1, a two panel plot will be shown on the screen. % The upper panel contains the orginal time series with % fitted values. The bottom panel will contain the plot % ofrobust residuals against index number. The confidence % level which is used to draw the horizontal lines associated % with the bands for the residuals is specified in input % option conflev. If conflev is missing a nominal 0.975 % confidence interval will be used. If plots =2 the following % additional plots will be shown on the screen. % 1) Boxplot of the distribution of the lts.bestr values of % the target function for each tentative level shift position; % 2) A two panel plot which shows the values of the local sum % of squares varying the position of the level shift around % the first tentative position keeping all the other % parameters fixed. Top panel refers to Huberized residuals % sum of squares and bottom panel refers to residual sum of % squares. % 3) A plot which shows the indexes of the best nbestindexes % solutions for each tentative level shift position. % 4) A plot which shows the relative frequency of inclusion % of each unit in the best h-subset after lts.refsteps % refining steps. % 5) A plot which shows the relative frequency of inclusion % of each unit inside the best nbestindexes subsets which are % brought to full convergence. % The default value of plot is 0 i.e. no plot is shown on the % screen. % Example - 'plots',1 % Data Types - double %SmallSampleCor:Small sample correction factor to control empirical size of % the test. Scalar equal to 1 or 2 (default) or 3 or 4. % - If SmallSampleCor=1 in the reweighting step the nominal % threshold based on $\chi^2_{0.99}$ is multiplied by the % small sample correction factor which guarrantees that the % empirical size of the test is equal to the nominal size. % Given that the correction factors were obtained through % simulation for a linear model, the number of explanatory % which is used to compute the correction factor refers to % all explanatory variables except the non linear components % in the seasonal part of the model. For example, in a model % with linear trend 4 seasonal harmonics + level shift and % second order trend in the seasonal component the number of % explanatory variables used is 11 = total number of % variables -2 = 2 (linear trend) + 8 (4 seasonal harmonics) % +1 (level shift). % - If SmallSampleCor =2 Gervini and Yohai procedure is called % with 'iterating' false and 'alpha' 0.99 is invoked, that is: % weights=GYfilt(stdres,'iterating',false,'alpha',0.99); % - If SmallSampleCor =3 Gervini and Yohai procedure called % with 'iterating' true and 'alpha' 0.99 is invoked, that is: % weights=GYfilt(stdres,'iterating',true,'alpha',0.99); % - If SmallSampleCor =4 $\chi^2_{0.99}$ threshold is used that is: % weights = abs(stdres)<=sqrt(chi2inv(0.99,1)); % Example - 'SmallSampleCor',3 % Data Types - double % msg : Messages on the screen. Scalar. % Scalar which controls whether to display or not messages % on the screen If msg==1 (default) messages are displayed on % the screen about estimated time to compute the estimator % and the warnings about 'MATLAB:rankDeficientMatrix', % 'MATLAB:singularMatrix' and 'MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix' % are set to off else no message is displayed on the screen % Example - 'msg',1 % Data Types - double % nocheck: Check input arguments. Scalar. If nocheck is equal to 1 no % check is performed on matrix y and matrix X. Notice that y % and X are left unchanged. In other words the additioanl % column of ones for the intercept is not added. As default % nocheck=0. The controls on h, bdp and nsamp still remain. % Example - 'nocheck',1 % Data Types - double % lshiftlocref: Parameters for local shift refinement. Structure. % This option is used just if model.lshift is greater then 0. % In order to precisely identify level shift position it is % necessary to consider a local sum of squares varying the % position of the level shift around the first tentative % position keeping all the other parameters fixed. This % structure contains the following fields: % lshiftlocref.wlength = scalar greater than 0 which % identifies the length of the window. The default value % is 15, that is the tentative level shift position % varies from tl-15, tl-15, ..., tl+14, tl+15, where tl is % the best preliminary tentative level shift position. % lshiftlocref.typeres = scalar which identifies the type of % residuals to consider. If typerres =1, the local % residuals sum of squares is based on huberized (scaled) % residuals (this is the default % choice) else raw residuals are used. % lshiftlocref.huberc= tuning constant for Huber estimator just % in case lshiftlocref.typeres=1. The default value is 2. % Example - 'lshiftlocref',lshiftlocref.typeres=2 % Data Types - struct %nbestindexes : position of the best solutions. Positive integer. For each % tentative level shift solution, it is interesenting to % understand whether best solutions of target function come % from subsets associated with current level shift solution % or from best solutions from previous tentative level shift % position. The indexes from 1 to lts.bestr/2 are associated % with subsets just extracted. The indexes from lts.bestr/2+1 % to lts.bestr are associated with best solutions from % previous tentative level shift. More precisely: % index lts.bestr/2+1 is associated with best solution from % previous tentative level shift; % index lts.bestr/2+2 is associated with second best solution % from previous tentative level shift; % ... % nbestindexes is an integer which specifies how many indexes % we want to store. The default value of nbestindexes is 3. % Example - 'nbestindexes',5 % Data Types - double % dispresults : Display results of final fit. Boolean. If dispresults is % true, labels of coefficients, estimated coefficients, % standard errors, tstat and p-values are shown on the % screen in a fully formatted way. The default value of % dispresults is false. % Example - 'dispresults',true % Data Types - logical % yxsave : store X and y. Scalar. Scalar that is set to 1 to request that the response % vector y and data matrix X are saved into the output % structure out. Default is 0, i.e. no saving is done. % Example - 'yxsave',1 % Data Types - double % % Remark: The user should only give the input arguments that have to % change their default value. The name of the input arguments % needs to be followed by their value. The order of the input % arguments is of no importance. % % Output: % % out : A structure containing the following fields % % out.B = Matrix containing estimated beta coefficients, % (including the intercept when options.intercept=1) % standard errors, t-stat and p-values % The content of matrix B is as follows: % 1st col = beta coefficients % The order of the beta coefficients is as follows: % 1) trend elements (if present). If the trend is % of order two there are r+1 coefficients if the % intercept is present otherwise there are just r % components; % 2) linear part of seasonal component 2, 4, 6, ..., % s-2, s-1 coefficients (if present); % 3) coefficients associated with the matrix of % explanatory variables which have a potential effect % on the time series under study (X); % 4) non linear part of seasonal component, that is % varying amplitude. If varying amplitude is of order % k there are k coefficients (if present); % 5) level shift component (if present). In this case % there are two coefficients, the second (which is % also the last element of vector beta) is an integer % which specifies the time in which level shift takes % place and the first (which is also the penultime % element of vector beta) is a real number which % identifies the magnitude of the upward (downward) % level shift; % 2nd col = standard errors; % 3rd col = t-statistics; % 4th col = p values. % out.h = The number of observations that have determined the % initial LTS estimator, i.e. the value of h. % = Vector containing the units forming best initial % elemental subset (that is elemental subset which % produced the smallest value of the target % function). % out.Hsubset = matrix of size T-by-(T-2*lshift) % containing units forming best H subset for each % tentative level shift which is considered. % Units belonging to % subset are given with their row number, units not % belonging to subset have missing values % ( Remark: T-2*lshift = length((lshift+1):(T-lshift)) ) % This output is present just if input option % model.lshift>0. % out.posLS = scalar associated with best tentative level shift % position. % This output is present just if input option % model.lshift>0. % out.numscale2 = matrix of size lts.bestr-by-(T-2*lshift) containing % (in the columns the values of the lts.bestr smallest % values of the target function. Target function = truncated % residuals sum of squares. % out.BestIndexes = matrix of size nbestindexes-by-(T-2*lshift) % containing in each column the indexes % associated with the best nbestindexes solutions. % The indexes from lts.bestr/2+1 to lts.bestr are % associated with best solutions from previous % tentative level shift. % More precisely: % index lts.bestr/2+1 is associated with best solution % from previous tentative level shift; % index lts.bestr/2+2 is associated with best solution % from previous tentative level shift. % This output is present just if input option % model.lshift>0. % out.Likloc = matrix of size (2*lshiftlocref.wlength+1)-by-3 % containing local sum of squares of residuals in % order to decide best position of level shift: % 1st col = position of level shift; % 2nd col = local sum of squares of huberized residuals; % 3rd col = local sum of squares of raw residuals. % This output is present just if input option % model.lshift>0. % out.RES = Matrix of size T-by-(T-lshift) containing scaled % residuals for all the T units of the original time % series monitored in steps lshift+1, lshift+2, ..., % T-lshift, where lshift+1 is the first tentative % level shift position, lshift +2 is the second level % shift position, and so on. This output is present % just if input option model.lshift>0. % out.yhat = vector of fitted values after final (NLS=non linear % least squares) step. % $ (\hat \eta_1, \hat \eta_2, \ldots, \hat \eta_T)'$ % out.residuals = Vector T-by-1 containing the scaled residuals from % after final NLS step. % out.weights = Vector containing weights after adaptive % reweighting. The elements of % this vector are 0 or 1. These weights identify the % observations which are used to compute the final % NLS estimate. % out.scale = Final scale estimate of the residuals using final weights. % \[ % \hat \sigma = cor \times \sum_{i \in S_m} [y_i- \eta(x_i,\hat \beta)]^2/(m-p) % \] % where $S_m$ is a set of cardinality $m$ which % contains the units not declared as outliers, $p$ % is the total number of estimated parameters and cor % is a correction factor to make the estimator % consistent. % out.conflev = confidence level which is used to declare outliers. % Remark: scalar out.conflev will be used to draw the % horizontal lines (confidence bands) in the plots % out.outliers = vector containing the list of the units declared % as outliers using confidence level specified in % input scalar conflev. % out.singsub = Number of subsets wihtout full rank. Notice that if % this number is greater than 0.1*(number of % subsamples) a warning is produced on the screen % out.invXX = $cov(\beta)/\hat \sigma^2$. p-by-p, square matrix. % If the model is linear out.invXX is equal to % $(X'X)^{-1}$, else out.invXX is equal to $(A'A)^{-1}$ % where $A$ is the matrix of partial derivatives. More % precisely: % \[ % a_{i,j}=\frac{\partial \eta_i(\hat \beta)}{\partial \hat \beta_j} % \] % where % \begin{eqnarray} % y_i & = & \eta(x_i,\beta)+ \epsilon_i \\ % & = & \eta_i +\epsilon_i \\ % & = & \eta(x_i,\hat \beta)+ e_i \\ % & = & \hat \eta_i + e_i % \end{eqnarray} % out.y = response vector y. % out.X = data matrix X containing trend+seasonal+expl+lshift. % The field is present only if option % yxsave is set to 1. % out.class = 'LTSts'. % % Optional Output: % % C : cell containing the indices of the subsamples % extracted for computing the estimate (the so called % elemental sets) for each tentative level shift % position. % C{1} is associated with the subsamples for % first tentative level shift position; % C{2} is associated with the subsamples for % second tentative level shift position; % ... % C{end} is associated with the subsamples for % last tentative level shift position; % % See also LXS, wedgeplot % % References: % % Rousseeuw, P.J., Perrotta D., Riani M., Hubert M. (2017), Robust % Monitoring of Many Time Series with Application to Fraud Detection, % submitted.(RPRH) % % % Copyright 2008-2017. % Written by Marco Riani, Domenico Perrotta, Peter % Rousseeuw and Mia Hubert % % %Link to the help function % %$LastChangedDate:: 2018-04-04 19:14:53 #$: Date of the last commit % Examples: %{ % Simulated data with linear trend and level shift. % No seasonal component. n=45; a=1; b=0.8; sig=1; seq=(1:n)'; y=a+b*seq+sig*randn(n,1); y(round(n/2):end)=y(round(n/2):end)+10; % model with a quadratic trend, non seasonal and level shift model=struct; model.trend=2; model.seasonal=0; % Potential level shift position is investigated in positions: % t=10, t=11, ..., t=T-10. model.lshift=10; out=LTSts(y,'model',model,'plots',1); %} %{ % Airline data: linear trend + just one harmonic for seasonal % component. % Load airline data % 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 y = [112 115 145 171 196 204 242 284 315 340 360 417 % Jan 118 126 150 180 196 188 233 277 301 318 342 391 % Feb 132 141 178 193 236 235 267 317 356 362 406 419 % Mar 129 135 163 181 235 227 269 313 348 348 396 461 % Apr 121 125 172 183 229 234 270 318 355 363 420 472 % May 135 149 178 218 243 264 315 374 422 435 472 535 % Jun 148 170 199 230 264 302 364 413 465 491 548 622 % Jul 148 170 199 242 272 293 347 405 467 505 559 606 % Aug 136 158 184 209 237 259 312 355 404 404 463 508 % Sep 119 133 162 191 211 229 274 306 347 359 407 461 % Oct 104 114 146 172 180 203 237 271 305 310 362 390 % Nov 118 140 166 194 201 229 278 306 336 337 405 432 ]; % Dec % Source: % y=(y(:)); yr = repmat((1949:1960),12,1); mo = repmat((1:12)',1,12); time = datestr(datenum(yr(:),mo(:),1)); ts = timeseries(y(:),time,'name','AirlinePassengers'); ts.TimeInfo.Format = 'dd-mmm-yyyy'; tscol = tscollection(ts); % plot airline data plot(ts) % linear trend + just one harmonic for seasonal component model=struct; model.trend=1; % linear trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=1; % just one harmonic model.lshift=0; % no level shift out=LTSts(y,'model',model,'dispresults',true); close all % Plot real and fitted values plot(y); hold('on') plot(out.yhat,'red') legend('real values','fitted values','Location','SouthEast') %} %{ % Model with linear trend and six harmonics for seasonal component. model=struct; model.trend=1; % linear trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=6; % six harmonics model.lshift=0; % no level shift out=LTSts(y,'model',model); close all % Plot real and fitted values plot(y); hold('on') plot(out.yhat,'red') legend('real values','fitted values','Location','SouthEast') %} %{ % Model with linear trend, two harmonics for seasonal component and % varying amplitude using a linear trend. model=struct; model.trend=1; % linear trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=102; % two harmonics with time varying seasonality model.lshift=0; % no level shift out=LTSts(y,'model',model); close all % Plot real and fitted values plot(y); hold('on') plot(out.yhat,'red') legend('real values','fitted values','Location','SouthEast') %} %{ % Model with linear trend, six harmonics for seasonal component and % varying amplitude using a linear trend). model=struct; model.trend=1; % linear trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=106; % six harmonics with linear time varying seasonality model.lshift=0; % no level shift % out=fitTSLS(y,'model',model); out=LTSts(y,'model',model); close all % Plot real and fitted values plot(y); hold('on') plot(out.yhat,'red') legend('real values','fitted values','Location','SouthEast') %} %{ % Contaminated time series with upward level shift. % Model with linear trend, six harmonics for seasonal component and % varying amplitude using a linear trend). yLS=y; yLS(55:end)=yLS(55:end)+130; model=struct; model.trend=1; % linear trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=1; model.lshift=13; % impose level shift out=LTSts(yLS,'model',model); close all % Plot real and fitted values plot(yLS); hold('on') plot(out.yhat,'red') legend('real values','fitted values','Location','SouthEast') %} %{ % Contaminated time series with downward level shift. % Model with linear trend, six harmonics for seasonal component and % varying amplitude using a linear trend). yLS=y; yLS(35:end)=yLS(35:end)-300; model=struct; model.trend=1; % linear trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=106; model.lshift=13; out=LTSts(yLS,'model',model); close all % Plot real and fitted values plot(yLS); hold('on') plot(out.yhat,'red') legend('real values','fitted values','Location','SouthEast') %} %{ % Model with an explanatory variable using logged series. y1=log(y); % Model with linear trend, six harmonics for seasonal component and % varying amplitude using a linear trend). model=struct; model.trend=1; % linear trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=106; model.lshift=0; model.X=randn(length(y),1); out=LTSts(y1,'model',model); close all % Plot real and fitted values plot(y1); hold('on') plot(out.yhat,'red') legend('real values','fitted values','Location','SouthEast') %} %{ %% Example 1 used in the paper RPRH. % Load airline data % 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 y = [112 115 145 171 196 204 242 284 315 340 360 417 % Jan 118 126 150 180 196 188 233 277 301 318 342 391 % Feb 132 141 178 193 236 235 267 317 356 362 406 419 % Mar 129 135 163 181 235 227 269 313 348 348 396 461 % Apr 121 125 172 183 229 234 270 318 355 363 420 472 % May 135 149 178 218 243 264 315 374 422 435 472 535 % Jun 148 170 199 230 264 302 364 413 465 491 548 622 % Jul 148 170 199 242 272 293 347 405 467 505 559 606 % Aug 136 158 184 209 237 259 312 355 404 404 463 508 % Sep 119 133 162 191 211 229 274 306 347 359 407 461 % Oct 104 114 146 172 180 203 237 271 305 310 362 390 % Nov 118 140 166 194 201 229 278 306 336 337 405 432 ]; % Dec % Two short level shifts in opposite directions and an isolated outlier. % Add a level shift contamination plus some outliers. y1=y(:); y1(50:55)=y1(50:55)-300; y1(70:75)=y1(70:75)+300; y1(90:90)=y1(90:90)+300; % Create structure specifying model model=struct; model.trend=2; % quadratic trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=204; % number of harmonics model.lshift=40; % position where to start monitoring level shift model.X=''; % Create structure lts specifying lts options lshiftlocref=struct; % Set window length for local refinement. lshiftlocref.wlength=10; % Set tuning constant to use insde Huber rho function lshiftlocref.huberc=1.5; % Estimate the parameters [out]=LTSts(y1,'model',model,'nsamp',500,... 'plots',1,'lshiftlocref',lshiftlocref,'msg',0); % generate the wedgeplot % wedgeplot(out,'transpose',true,'extradata',[y1 out.yhat]); %} %{ %% Example 2 used in the paper RPRH. % A persisting level shift and three isolated outliers, two of which in % proximity of the level shift. y1=y(:); y1(68:end)=y1(68:end)+1300; y1(67)=y1(67)-600; y1(45)=y1(45)-800; y1(68:69)=y1(68:69)+800; % Create structure specifying model model=struct; model.trend=2; % quadratic trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=204; % number of harmonics model.lshift=40; % position where to start monitoring level shift model.X=''; % Create structure lts specifying lts options lshiftlocref=struct; % Set window length for local refinement. lshiftlocref.wlength=10; % Set tuning constant to use insde Huber rho function lshiftlocref.huberc=1.5; % Estimate the parameters [out, varargout]=LTSts(y1,'model',model,'nsamp',500,... 'plots',1,'lshiftlocref',lshiftlocref,'msg',0); % generate the wedgeplot % wedgeplot(out,'transpose',true,'extradata',[y1 out.yhat]); %} %{ %% Example 3 used in the paper RPRH. % A persisting level shift preceded and followed in the proximity by % other two short level shifts, and an isolated outlier. y1=y(:); y1(50:55)=y1(50:55)-300; y1(68:end)=y1(68:end)-700; y1(70:75)=y1(70:75)+300; y1(90:90)=y1(90:90)+300; % Create structure specifying model model=struct; model.trend=2; % quadratic trend model.s=12; % monthly time series model.seasonal=204; % number of harmonics model.lshift=40; % position where to start monitoring level shift model.X=''; % Create structure lts specifying lts options lshiftlocref=struct; % Set window length for local refinement. lshiftlocref.wlength=10; % Set tuning constant to use insde Huber rho function lshiftlocref.huberc=1.5; % Estimate the parameters [out, varargout]=LTSts(y1,'model',model,'nsamp',500,... 'plots',2,'lshiftlocref',lshiftlocref,'msg',0); % generate the wedgeplot % wedgeplot(out,'transpose',true,'extradata',[y1 out.yhat]); %} %% Input parameters checking % setting global variable yin yin = y; % Extract size of the data T = length(yin); % seq is the vector which will contain linear time trend seq = (1:T)'; one = ones(T,1); zerT1 = zeros(T,1); if nargin<1 error('FSDA:LTSts:MissingInputs','Input time series is missing'); end % Set up values for default model modeldef =struct; modeldef.trend =1; % linear trend modeldef.s =12; % monthly time series modeldef.seasonal=1; % just one harmonic modeldef.X =''; % no extra explanatory variable modeldef.lshift =0; % no level shift % h to be implemented for LTS % Set the default value for h (the default is 75 per cent of the data) hdef = round(0.75*T); bdpdef = 1-hdef/T; nsampdef= 1000; % default value for ALS iterations reftolALSdef = 1e-03; refstepsALSdef = 50; % default values for structure which contains the parameters associated % with local level shift refinement lshiftlocrefdef = struct; lshiftlocrefdef.wlength = 15; lshiftlocrefdef.typeres = 1; lshiftlocrefdef.huberc = 2; % nbestindexesdef is a positive integer which specifies how many indices of % the smallest values of the target functions we want to retain. nbestindexesdef=3; % dispresultsdef Boolean about display results. dispresultsdef=false; options=struct('intercept',1,'lts','','nsamp',nsampdef,'h',hdef,... 'bdp',bdpdef,'plots',0,'model',modeldef,... 'conflev',0.975,'msg',1,'yxsave',0,... 'SmallSampleCor',2,... 'reftolALS',reftolALSdef,'refstepsALS',refstepsALSdef,... 'lshiftlocref',lshiftlocrefdef,'nbestindexes',nbestindexesdef,... 'dispresults',dispresultsdef); %% User options % singsub= scalar which will contain the number of singular subsets which % are extracted (that is the subsets of size p which are not full rank) singsub=0; % initialize brob which will be the vector of estimated robust regression % coefficients brob=-99; chktrim=1; UserOptions=varargin(1:2:length(varargin)); if ~isempty(UserOptions) % Check if number of supplied options is valid if length(varargin) ~= 2*length(UserOptions) error('FSDA:LTSts3:WrongInputOpt','Number of supplied options is invalid. Probably values for some parameters are missing.'); end % Check if all the specified optional arguments were present in % structure options Remark: the nocheck option has already been dealt % by routine chkinputR inpchk=isfield(options,UserOptions); WrongOptions=UserOptions(inpchk==0); if ~isempty(WrongOptions) disp(strcat('Non existent user option found->', char(WrongOptions{:}))) error('FSDA:LTSts:NonExistInputOpt','In total %d non-existent user options found.', length(WrongOptions)); end % Extract the names of the optional arguments chklist=varargin(1:2:length(varargin)); % Check whether the user has selected both h and bdp. chktrim=sum(strcmp(chklist,'h')+2*strcmp(chklist,'bdp')); if chktrim ==3 error('FSDA:LTSts:TooManyArgs','Both input arguments bdp and h are provided. Only one is required.') end % Write in structure 'options' the options chosen by the user for i=1:2:length(varargin) options.(varargin{i})=varargin{i+1}; end end % Default values for the optional parameters are set inside structure % 'options' if ~isequal(options.model,modeldef) fld=fieldnames(options.model); % Check if user options inside options.model are valid options chkoptions(modeldef,fld) for i=1:length(fld) modeldef.(fld{i})=options.model.(fld{i}); end end model = modeldef; % Get model parameters trend = model.trend; % get kind of trend s = model.s; % get periodicity of time series seasonal = model.seasonal; % get number of harmonics lshift = model.lshift; % get level shift % nbestindexes = indexes of the best nbestindexes solutions for each % tentative position of level shift nbestindexes=options.nbestindexes; % Check if the optional user parameters are valid. if s <=0 error('FSDA:LTSts:WrongInput',['s=' num2str(s) 'is the periodicity of the time series (cannot be negative)']) end if sum(intersect(trend,1:3))==0 error('FSDA:LTSts:WrongInput','Trend must assume the following values: 1 or 2 or 3') end % Construct the matrices which are fixed in each step of the minimization % procedure Seq = [one seq seq.^2 seq.^3]; % Define matrix which contains linear quadratic of cubic trend intercept=options.intercept; if intercept ==1 Xtrend = Seq(:,1:trend+1); else Xtrend = Seq(:,2:trend+1); end ntrend = size(Xtrend,2); % seasonal component if seasonal >0 sstring=num2str(seasonal); if seasonal>100 varampl=str2double(sstring(1)); seasonal=str2double(sstring(2:3)); else varampl=0; end if seasonal < 1 || seasonal >floor(s/2) error('FSDA:LTSts:WrongInput',['Seasonal component must be an integer between 1 and ' num2str(floor(s/2))]) end Xseaso=zeros(T,seasonal*2); for j=1:seasonal Xseaso(:,2*j-1:2*j)=[cos(j*2*pi*seq/s) sin(j*2*pi*seq/s)]; end % Remark: when s is even the sine term disapperas for j=s/2 and so the % maximum number of trigonometric terms is s-1 if seasonal==(s/2) Xseaso=Xseaso(:,1:end-1); end nseaso=size(Xseaso,2); else nseaso=0; varampl=0; yhatseaso=0; Xseaso=[]; end X=model.X; isemptyX=isempty(X); if isemptyX % nexpl = number of potential explanatory variables nexpl=0; else nexpl=size(X,2); end % pini = number of parameters in the linear model without level shifts nor % varying amplitude % ntrend = number of trend parameters, % nseaso = number of parameters associated with the harmonics, % nexpl = number of explanatory variables, pini=ntrend+nseaso+nexpl; % p = total number of parameters in the model % nini + % varampl = number of parameters involving time varying trend, % + 2 additional parameters is there is a level shift component p=pini+varampl+(lshift>0)*2; % indexes of linear part of seasonal component if seasonal <6 indlinsc=(trend+2):(trend+1+seasonal*2); else indlinsc=(trend+2):(trend+1+seasonal*2-1); end otherind=setdiff(1:p,indlinsc); if lshift>0 otherind=otherind(1:end-1); end % If the number of all possible subsets is <10000 the default is to extract % all subsets otherwise just 10000. Notice that we use bc, a fast version % of nchoosek. One may also use the approximation % floor(exp(gammaln(n+1)-gammaln(n-p+1)-gammaln(pini+1))+0.5) ncomb=bc(T,pini); % And check if the optional user parameters are reasonable. % Check h and bdp The user has only specified h: no need to specify bdp. if chktrim==1 if options.h < hdef error('FSDA:LTSts:WrongInput',['The LTS must cover at least ' int2str(hmin) ' observations.']) elseif options.h >= T error('FSDA:LTSts:WrongInput','h is greater or equal to the number of non-missings and non-infinites.') end bdp=1-options.h/T; % the user has only specified bdp: h is defined accordingly elseif chktrim==2 bdp=options.bdp; if bdp <= 0 error('FSDA:LTSts:WrongInput','Attention: bdp should be larger than 0'); end nalpha=floor(T*(1-bdp)); options.h=nalpha; end % Check number of subsamples to extract if options.nsamp>ncomb if options.msg==1 disp('Number of subsets to extract greater than (n p). It is set to (n p)'); end options.nsamp=0; elseif options.nsamp<0 error('FSDA:LTSts:WrongInput','Number of subsets to extract must be 0 (all) or a positive number'); end h=options.h; % Number of data points on which estimates are based plots=options.plots; % Plot of residuals equal to 1 nsamp=options.nsamp; % Number of subsets to extract nsampsubsequentsteps=nsamp/2; lts=options.lts; SmallSampleCor=options.SmallSampleCor; % small sample correction factor % Convergence criteria inside ALS loop reftolALS=options.reftolALS; refstepsALS=options.refstepsALS; constr=0; if ~isstruct(lts) && isempty(lts) refsteps=2; reftol=1e-6; bestr=20; refstepsbestr=50; reftolbestr=1e-8; elseif isstruct(lts) ltsdef.refsteps=2; ltsdef.reftol=1e-6; ltsdef.bestr=20; ltsdef.refstepsbestr=50; ltsdef.reftolbestr=1e-8; % Control the appearance of the trajectories to be highlighted if ~isequal(lts,ltsdef) fld=fieldnames(lts); % Check if user options inside options.fground are valid options chkoptions(ltsdef,fld) for i=1:length(fld) ltsdef.(fld{i})=lts.(fld{i}); end end % For the options not set by the user use their default value lts=ltsdef; refsteps=lts.refsteps; reftol=lts.reftol; bestr=lts.bestr; refstepsbestr=lts.refstepsbestr; reftolbestr=lts.reftolbestr; else error('FSDA:LTSts:WrongInput','Input option lts must be a structure or a empty value'); end conflev=options.conflev; % Confidence level which is used for outlier detection msg=options.msg; % Scalar which controls the messages displayed on the screen % Get user values of warnings warnrank=warning('query','MATLAB:rankDeficientMatrix'); warnsing=warning('query','MATLAB:singularMatrix'); warnnear=warning('query','MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix'); % Set them to off inside this function at the end of the file they will be % restored to previous values warning('off','MATLAB:rankDeficientMatrix'); warning('off','MATLAB:singularMatrix'); warning('off','MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix'); if lshift>0 % If a level shift is present, it is necessary to % reestimate a linear model each time with a different % level shift starting from period lshift+1 up to period % T-lshift and take the one which minimizes the target % function (residual sum of squares/2 = negative log % likelihood) LSH = (lshift+1):(T-lshift); else LSH=0; end % ScaleLSH= estimate of the squared scale for each value of LSH which has been % considered numscale2LSH=[LSH' zeros(length(LSH),2)]; % yhatrobLSH = vector of fitted values for each value of LSH yhatrobLSH=zeros(T,length(LSH)); % ilsh is a counter which is linked to the rows of LSH ilsh=0; % lLSH = length of tentative level shift positions lLSH=length(LSH); bestrdiv2=round(bestr/2); % allnumscale2 will contain the best best estimates of the target function % for a tentative value of level shift position allnumscale2=zeros(bestr,1); % Store all bestr target functions for each tentative level shift % position (target function = truncated residual sum of squares) ALLnumscale2=zeros(bestr,lLSH); % Store the position of the indexes occupying nbestindexes best solutions of target % function for each tentative level shift position % 1-bestrdiv2 = solutions from fresh subsets. % bestrdiv2+1-bestr = best solutions coming from previous tentative level % shift position NumScale2ind=zeros(nbestindexes,lLSH); % Weights = units forming subset for the solution associated to the minimum % scale for each value of LSH Weights=zeros(T,lLSH); brobLSH=zeros(p,lLSH); % Construct matrix X (called Xsel) which contains the linear part of the model if seasonal==0 if isemptyX Xsel=Xtrend; else Xsel=[Xtrend X]; end else if isemptyX Xsel=[Xtrend Xseaso]; else Xsel= [Xtrend Xseaso X]; end % zero for varampl is automatically included because b0 is % initialized as a vector of zeroes b0=[b0;zeros(varampl,1)]; end % WEIisum = matrix which will contain the number of times each units has % been included into the best h-subset after two iterations WEIisum=zeros(T,lLSH); % WEIisumbest10 = matrix which will contain the number of times each units has % been included into the best h-subsets among the bestr/2 best WEIibest10sum=zeros(T,lLSH); WEIibestrdiv2=zeros(T,bestrdiv2); RES = nan(T,lLSH); % Consistency factor based on the variance of the truncated normal % distribution. 1-h/n=trimming percentage Compute variance of the truncated % normal distribution. a=norminv(0.5*(1+h/T)); %factor=1/sqrt(1-(2*a.*normpdf(a))./(2*normcdf(a)-1)); factor=1/sqrt(1-2*(T/h)*a.*normpdf(a)); % Initialize 2D or 3D array which stores indexes of extracted % subsets for each tentative level shift position if nargout>1 varargout=cell(lLSH,1); end for lsh=LSH ilsh=ilsh+1; sworst = Inf; % Xlshift = explanatory variable associated with % level shift Xlshift is 0 up to lsh-1 and 1 from % lsh to T Xlshift= [zeros(lsh-1,1);ones(T-lsh+1,1)]; if ilsh>1 nsamp=nsampsubsequentsteps; bestrLSH=bestrdiv2; bestnumscale2 = Inf * ones(bestrdiv2,1); bestbetas = zeros(bestrdiv2,p); bestyhat=zeros(T,bestrdiv2); bestsubset = zeros(bestrdiv2,pini+(lshift>0)*2); else bestbetas = zeros(bestr,p); bestyhat=zeros(T,bestr); bestsubset = zeros(bestr,pini+(lshift>0)*2); bestnumscale2 = Inf * ones(bestr,1); bestrLSH=bestr; end if lsh>0 [Cini,nselected] = subsets(nsamp,T-1,pini+1,ncomb,msg); C=[lsh*ones(nselected,1) zeros(nselected,pini+1,'int16')]; % Make sure that observation lsh is always included in the subset % and that the subset contains at least one unit smaller than lsh for r=1:nselected Cr=Cini(r,:); % Observations greater or equal than lsh will be increased by one boo=Cr>=lsh; Cr(boo)=Cr(boo)+1; % Make sure there is at least one observation smaller than lsh boo=Cr1 varargout{ilsh}=Cini; end % yhatall= matrix which will contain fitted values for each extracted % subset % yhatall=zeros(T,nselected); % WEIi = matrix which will contain indication of the units forming best % h subset. Each column refers to a subset WEIi=zeros(T,nselected); % ij is a scalar used to ensure that the best first bestr solutions are % stored in order to be brought to full convergence % subsets are stored ij=1; % Loop through all nselected subsamples for i=1:nselected % Initialize b0 as vector of zeroes for each subset % The order of the elements of b0 is as follows % 1) trend elements (if present). If the trend is order two r are % r+1 coefficients if the intercept is present otherwise there are % just r components (Xtrend) % 2) linear part of seasonal component 2, 4, 6, ..., s-2, s-1 coefficients % (if present) (Xseaso) % 3) coefficients associated with the matrix of explanatory variables % which have a potential effect on the time series under study (X) % 4) non linear part of seasonal component, that is varying amplitude. % If varying amplitude is of order k there are k coefficients (if % present) (Seq) % 5) level shift component (if present). In this case there are two % coefficients, the second (which is also the last element of % vector b0) is an integer which specifies the time in which level % shift takes place and the first (which is also the penultime % element of vector b0) is a real number which identifies the % magnitude of the upward (downward) level shift (Xlshift) beta0=zeros(p,1); % extract a subset of size p index = C(i,:); if lsh==0 Xlshift=[]; end Xfinal=[Xsel Xlshift]; % Preliminary OLS estimates (including tentative level shift) based % just on the units forming subset bsb=index; betaini=Xfinal(bsb,:)\yin(bsb); % Check if betaini contains NaN if ~any(isnan(betaini)) % The first pini components are associated with % trend and seasonal (without varying % amplitude) and explanatory variables beta0(1:pini)=betaini(1:pini); if lsh>0 % The last two components of beta0 are the associated with % level shift. More precisely penultimate position is for the % coefficient of level shift and, final position is the integer % which specifies the starting point of level shift beta0(end-1:end)=[betaini(end) lsh]; end if varampl>0 [betaout]=ALS(beta0); else betaout=beta0; %disp(['lsh' num2str(lsh)]) %disp(beta0) %disp('------') end % Compute fitted values (for all units). Therefore recall function % lik but this time computed using all observations bsb=seq; % Procedure lik computes yhat (fitted values for all the % observations using parameter estimates based on bsb). vector yhat % will be used inside procedure IRWLSreg as starting value of the % iterations (concentration steps) lik(betaout); beta=betaout; % 1(a) ii. - Now apply concentration steps tmp = IRWLSreg(yin,beta,refsteps,reftol,h); % Store weights WEIi(:,i)=tmp.weights; % Store fitted values for each subset % yhatall(:,i)=tmp.yhat; betarw = tmp.betarw; numscale2rw = tmp.numscale2rw; % 1(c) Consider only the 10 subsets that yield the lowest objective % function so far. if ij > bestrLSH if numscale2rw < sworst % Store numscale2rw, betarw and indexes of the units % forming the best subset for the current iteration % Find position of the maximum value of previously % stored best numerator of squared scaled [~,ind] = max(bestnumscale2); bestnumscale2(ind) = numscale2rw; bestbetas(ind,:) = betarw'; bestsubset(ind,:) = index; bestyhat(:,ind)=yhat; % sworst = the best scale among the bestr found up to % now sworst = max(bestnumscale2); end else bestnumscale2(ij) = numscale2rw; bestbetas(ij,:) = betarw'; bestsubset(ij,:)= index; bestyhat(:,ij)=yhat; % sworst = the best scale among the bestr found up to now sworst = max(bestnumscale2); ij = ij+1; brob = 1; end end end if brob==-99 error('FSDA:LTSts:NoFullRank','No subset had full rank. Please increase the number of subsets or check your design matrix X') else end % Store for each tentative level shift the number of times each unit % belonged to the best subset WEIisum(:,ilsh)=sum(WEIi,2); % 1 (b) % With the 0 subsets that yield the lowest objective function so far. % Apply C-steps to these until full convergence. % perform C-steps on best 'bestr' solutions, till convergence or for a % maximum of refstepsbestr steps using a convergence tolerance as % specified by scalar reftolbestr % If ilsh >1 it is necessary also to consider the 10 best solutions from % step j-1 if ilsh==1 bestyhatall=bestyhat; bestbetasall=bestbetas; bestsubsetall=bestsubset; else bestyhatall=[bestyhat bestyhattoadd]; bestbetasall=[bestbetas; bestbetastoadd]; bestsubsetall=[bestsubset; bestsubsettoadd]; end % numsuperbestscale2 = numerator of estimate of super best squared % scale numsuperbestscale2 = Inf; % Just to have an idea about y and yhat for a particular lsh value % plot([y bestyhat(:,1)]) for i=1:bestr yhat=bestyhatall(:,i); tmp = IRWLSreg(yin,bestbetasall(i,:)',refstepsbestr,reftolbestr,h); % Store information about the units forming best h subset among the % 10 best WEIibestrdiv2(:,i)=tmp.weights; allnumscale2(i,1)=tmp.numscale2rw; % allscales(i,2)=tmp.betarw(end); if tmp.numscale2rw < numsuperbestscale2 % brob = superbestbeta brob = tmp.betarw; % bs = superbestsubset, units forming best subset according to % fastlts bs = bestsubsetall(i,:); yhatrob=tmp.yhat; numsuperbestscale2=tmp.numscale2rw; ibest=i; weightsst=tmp.weights; end end % Store the bestrdiv2 best values of target function [~,numscale2ssorind]=sort(allnumscale2); bestyhattoadd=bestyhatall(:,numscale2ssorind(1:bestrdiv2)); bestbetastoadd=bestbetasall(numscale2ssorind(1:bestrdiv2),:); % The last element of estimated beta coefficients is the point in % which level shift takes place. This has to be increased by one % unit. Please note that betas are stored in rows therefore we have % to change the last column bestbetastoadd(:,end)=bestbetastoadd(:,end)+1; bestsubsettoadd=bestsubsetall(numscale2ssorind(1:bestrdiv2),:); numscale2LSH(ilsh,2:3)=[numsuperbestscale2 ibest]; yhatrobLSH(:,ilsh)=yhatrob; brobLSH(:,ilsh)=brob; % plot(seq,[y yhatrob]) % title(['Level shift in step t=' num2str(LSH(ilsh))]) ALLnumscale2(:,ilsh)=allnumscale2; scaledres = (yin-yhatrob)/sqrt(numsuperbestscale2/h); RES(:,ilsh) = scaledres; weightsst = (weightsst | abs(scaledres)<2.58*factor); % disp(sum(weightsst)) Weights(:,ilsh) = weightsst; % Store the indexes among the bestr best, forming the bestrdiv2 best % estimates of the target function (target function = numerator of % squared scale) NumScale2ind(:,ilsh)=numscale2ssorind(1:nbestindexes); WEIibest10sum(:,ilsh)=sum(WEIibestrdiv2,2); if lsh>0 && msg ==1 disp(['Level shift for t=' num2str(lsh)]) end end % save RES to output structure (these residuals can be used for example to % prouduce the double wedge plot, see function wedgeplot for more details) out.RES = RES; Weimod=Weights; for j=1:size(Weimod,2) boo=Weimod(:,j)==1; Weimod(boo,j)=seq(boo); Weimod(~boo,j)=NaN; end % Store units forming best h subset out.Hsubset=Weimod; [~,minidx]=min(numscale2LSH(:,2)); brobbest=brobLSH(:,minidx); % Pass from numerator of squared estimate of the scale to proper scale % estimate sh0=sqrt(numscale2LSH(minidx,2)/h); % Consistency factor s0=sh0*factor; % Apply small sample correction factor of Pison et al. s0=s0*sqrt(corfactorRAW(1,T,h/T)); if lsh>0 % Compute the residuals locally just changing the position of the level % shift bstar=brobbest; lshiftlocref=options.lshiftlocref; if isfield(lshiftlocref,'wlength') k=lshiftlocref.wlength; else k=15; end if isfield(lshiftlocref,'typeres') typeres=lshiftlocref.typeres; else typeres=1; end if isfield(lshiftlocref,'huberc') huberc=lshiftlocref.huberc; else huberc=2; end tloc=bstar(end)-k:bstar(end)+k; tloc=tloc(tloc>6); tloc=tloc(tloc 1e-7 stdres = residuals/s0; if SmallSampleCor==1 plinear=pini+(lshift>0); robest='LTS'; eff=''; rhofunc=''; sizesim=0; Tallis=1; if T<50 Ttouse=50; else Ttouse=T; end thresh=RobRegrSize(Ttouse,plinear,robest,rhofunc,bdp,eff,sizesim,Tallis); extracoeff=sqrt(thresh/chi2inv(0.99,1)); weights = abs(stdres)<=sqrt(chi2inv(0.99,1))*extracoeff; elseif SmallSampleCor==2 weights=GYfilt(stdres,'iterating',false,'alpha',0.99); elseif SmallSampleCor==3 weights=GYfilt(stdres,'iterating',true,'alpha',0.99); elseif SmallSampleCor==4 weights = abs(stdres)<=sqrt(chi2inv(0.99,1)); else error('FSDA:ltsTS:WrongInputOpt','wrong small sample cor factor') end % weights is a boolean vector. bsb=seq(weights); % Find new estimate of beta using only observations which have % weight equal to 1. Notice that new brob overwrites old brob % computed previously. % if varampl==0 && lshift==0 % In this case the model is linear % Function lik constructs fitted values and residual sum of % squares betaout = Xsel(bsb,:) \ yin(bsb); % update fitted values yhat = Xsel * betaout; % find fitted values using all observations yhat = Xsel * betaout; s2=sum((yin(bsb)-yhat(bsb)).^2)/(h-size(Xsel,2)); invXX=inv(Xsel'*Xsel); covB=s2*invXX; %#ok elseif varampl==0 && lshift>0 % In this case there is just level shift however we do not redo % the non linear estimation but a simple LS Xseldum=[Xsel Xlshift]; betaout = Xseldum(bsb,:) \ yin(bsb); % find fitted values using all observations yhat = Xseldum * betaout; s2=sum((yin(bsb)-yhat(bsb)).^2)/(h-size(Xseldum,2)); invXX=inv(Xseldum(bsb,:)'*Xseldum(bsb,:)); covB=s2*invXX; %#ok else % model is non linear because there is time varying amplitude in seasonal component Xtrendf=Xtrend(bsb,:); Xseasof=Xseaso(bsb,:); if ~isempty(X) Xf=X(bsb,:); end Seqf=Seq(bsb,:); yf=yin(bsb); % Find new estimate of scale using only observations which have % weight equal to 1. weights=false(T,1); weights(bsb)=true; if lshift>0 Xlshiftf=Xlshift(bsb); [betaout,~,~,covB,MSE,~] = nlinfit(Xtrendf,yf,@likyhat,brobfinal(1:end-1)); else [betaout,~,~,covB,MSE,~] = nlinfit(Xtrendf,yf,@likyhat,brobfinal); % % [betaout,R,J,covB,MSE,ErrorModelInfo] = nlinfit(Xtrendf,yf,@likyhat,brobfinal); % Note that MSE*inv(J'*J) = covB end % yfitFS = likyhat(betaout,Xtrendf); % nans=false(length(yfitFS),1); % sqweights=ones(length(yfitFS),1); % fdiffstep=1.0e-05*0.6655*ones(length(betaout),1); % J = getjacobianFS(betaout,fdiffstep,@likyhat,yfitFS,nans,sqweights); invXX=covB/MSE; % Now compute again vector yhat using final vector betaout bsb=seq; lik(betaout); end % Store beta standard error, t stat and p values sebetaout=sqrt(diag(covB)); tout=betaout./sebetaout; dfe=T-length(betaout); pval=2*(tcdf(-abs(tout), dfe)); B=[betaout sebetaout tout pval]; out.B=B; if lsh>0 % Store position of level shift out.posLS=finalLS; end % Computation of reweighted residuals. residuals=yin-yhat; % s0 =sqrt(MSE) s0=sqrt(sum(weights.*residuals.^2)/(sum(weights)-1)); % Compute new standardized residuals. % Apply consistency factor to reweighted estimate of sigma hrew=sum(weights); if hrewnorminv((conflev+1)/2); out.outliers=seq(outliers); % Store robust estimate of s out.scale=s0; % Store the 20 best estimates of the scale for each tentative level shift % which is considered out.numscale2=ALLnumscale2; % Store indices forming the bestrdiv2 best estimates of the target function out.BestIndexes=NumScale2ind; % Store scaled residuals out.residuals=stdres; % Store units forming best initial subset of p-1 observations; % Store list of units declared as outliers % out.outliers=seq(weights==0); % Store confidence level which is used to draw the horizontal lines in the % plot out.conflev=options.conflev; % Store the number of observations that have determined the LTS (LMS) % estimator, i.e. the value of h. out.h=h; % Store vector of weights (values equal to 1 are associated with units % parteciapting to the fit) out.weights=weights; % Store number of singular subsets out.singsub=singsub; if msg==1 if singsub/nselected>0.1 disp('------------------------------') disp(['Warning: Number of subsets without full rank equal to ' num2str(100*singsub/nselected) '%']) end end % Store information about the class of the object out.class='LTSts'; if lsh>0 % Store local improvement of the likelihood out.Likloc=Likloc; end % Store response out.y=yin; if options.yxsave if options.intercept==1 % Store X (without the column of ones if there is an intercept) out.X=X(:,2:end); else out.X=X; end end out.invXX=invXX; dispresults=options.dispresults; if dispresults b_trend={'b_trend1'; 'b_trend2'; 'b_trend3'; 'b_trend4'}; b_seaso={'b_cos1'; 'b_sin1'; 'b_cos2'; 'b_sin2'; 'b_cos3'; 'b_sin3'; ... 'b_cos4'; 'b_sin4'; 'b_cos5'; 'b_sin5'; 'b_cos6'}; b_expl={'b_X1'; 'b_X2'; 'b_X3'; 'b_X4'; 'b_X5'; 'b_X6'}; b_varampl={'b_varampl'; 'b_varamp2'; 'b_varamp3'}; b_lshift={'b_lshift'; 't_lshift'}; if seasonal>0 if 2*seasonal==s lab=[b_trend(1:trend+1); b_seaso]; else lab=[b_trend(1:trend+1); b_seaso(1:2*seasonal)]; end else lab=b_trend(1:trend+1); end if nexpl>0 lab=[lab;b_expl(1:nexpl)]; end if varampl>0 lab=[lab;b_varampl(1:varampl)]; end if lshift>0 lab=[lab; b_lshift(1)]; end bhat=out.B(:,1); se=out.B(:,2); tstat=out.B(:,3); pval=out.B(:,4); if verLessThan ('matlab','8.2.0') disp(' Coeff. SE t-stat p-values'); disp( [char(lab) num2str([bhat se tstat pval])]); else disp([table(lab) table(bhat) table(se) table(tstat) table(pval)]); end if lshift>0 disp(['Level shift position t=' num2str(out.posLS)]) end end %% Create plots % If plots is a structure, plot directly those chosen by the user; elseif % plots is 1 a plot or residuals against index number appears else no plot % is produced. if plots>=1 % Time series + fitted values figure subplot(2,1,1) plot([yin yhat]) xlabel('Time') ylabel('Real and fitted values') % Index plot of robust residuals h2=subplot(2,1,2); laby='Robust lts residuals'; resindexplot(out.residuals,'conflev',conflev,'laby',laby,'numlab',out.outliers,'h',h2,'title',''); end if plots==2 && lsh>0 % Distribution of the values of the target function for each tentative % level shift position figure boxplot(ALLnumscale2(:,1:end),LSH(1:end)','labelorientation','inline') hold('on') plot(numscale2LSH(:,2)) xlabel('Position of level shift') title('Target function') ylim([min(ALLnumscale2(:)), prctile(ALLnumscale2(:),90)]) % Level Shift local refinement figure subplot(2,1,1) plot(Likloc(:,1),Likloc(:,2)) xlabel('Position of level shift') ylabel('Raw residuals') subplot(3,1,3) plot(Likloc(:,1),Likloc(:,3)) xlabel('Position of level shift') ylabel('Huber rho residuals') % plot(LSH,NumScale2ind','o') % set(gca,'FontSize',1) % ylabel(['Indexes of the best ' num2str(nbestindexes) ' solutions']) % xlabel('Position of level shift') figure one=ones(lLSH,1); for j=1:nbestindexes text(LSH,NumScale2ind(j,:)',num2str(j*one),'FontSize',12-j*1.5) end xlim([LSH(1) LSH(end)]) ylim([1 bestr]) ylabel(['Indexes of the best ' num2str(nbestindexes) ' solutions']) xlabel('Position of level shift') hold('on') plot([LSH(1) LSH(end)],bestrdiv2*ones(2,1)+0.5) figure plot(LSH,Weimod','ko') xlabel('Position of level shift') ylabel('Index number') title('o= units forming best h-subset') set(gca,'Ytick',10:10:T) %% Frequency of inclusion inside subset figure subplot(2,1,1) bar(WEIisum(:,locmin)/nselected) title(['Frequency of inclusion in the h subset after ' num2str(refsteps) ' iterations']) ylabel('Frequency') xlabel('Index number') set(gca,'Xtick',1:10:T) subplot(2,1,2) bar(WEIibest10sum(:,locmin)/size(bestyhatall,2)) title(['Frequency of inclusion in the h subset among the ' num2str(size(bestyhatall,2)) ' best subsets']) ylabel('Frequency') xlabel('Index number') set(gca,'Xtick',1:10:T) end % Restore the previous state of the warnings warning(warnrank.state,'MATLAB:rankDeficientMatrix'); warning(warnsing.state,'MATLAB:singularMatrix'); warning(warnnear.state,'MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix'); % check about the y global variable if ~isequal(yin,yin) error('FSDA:LTSts:yDiscrepancy','y should not change in this code. Please check if the global variable has been misused.'); end %% The part below contains subfunctions which are used only inside this file % lik computes the objective function (residual sum of squares/2 = negative % log likelihood) which must be minimized function [newbeta,exitflag]=ALS(beta0) iter = 0; betadiff = 9999; newbeta=beta0; oldbeta=beta0; % exitflag = flag which informs about convergence. exitflag =0 % implies normal convergence, else no convergence has been obtained exitflag=0; while ( (betadiff > reftolALS) && (iter < refstepsALS) ) iter = iter + 1; % b2378 estimate of linear part of seasonal component b2378=newbeta(indlinsc); % at= yhatseaso = fitted values for linear part of seasonal % component at=Xseaso(bsb,:)*b2378; % OLS to estimate coefficients of trend + expl variables + non lin coeff of % seasonal + coefficient of fixed level shift % trlshift is the matrix of explanatory variables if isemptyX if lshift>0 tr_expl_nls_lshift=[Xtrend(bsb,:) bsxfun(@times,at,Seq(bsb,2:varampl+1)) Xlshift(bsb)]; else tr_expl_nls_lshift=[Xtrend(bsb,:) bsxfun(@times,at,Seq(bsb,2:varampl+1))]; end else if lshift>0 tr_expl_nls_lshift=[Xtrend(bsb,:) X(bsb,:) bsxfun(@times,at,Seq(bsb,2:varampl+1)) Xlshift(bsb)]; else tr_expl_nls_lshift=[Xtrend(bsb,:) X(bsb,:) bsxfun(@times,at,Seq(bsb,2:varampl+1))]; end end % b0145 = coefficients of intercept trend + expl var + non % linear part of seasonal component + level shift b0145=tr_expl_nls_lshift\(yin(bsb)-at) ; % Now find new coefficients of linear part of seasonal % component in the regression of y-trend-expl-lsihft versus % vector which contains non linear part of seasonal component % which multiplies each column of matrix Xseaso (linear part of % seasonal component) yhatnlseaso=Seq(bsb,1)+ Seq(bsb,2:varampl+1)*b0145((trend+2+nexpl):(trend+2+nexpl+varampl-1)); if isemptyX if lshift>0 b2378=bsxfun(@times,yhatnlseaso,Xseaso(bsb,:))... \(yin(bsb)-Xtrend(bsb,:)*b0145(1:trend+1)-Xlshift(bsb)*b0145(end)); else b2378=bsxfun(@times,yhatnlseaso,Xseaso(bsb,:))... \(yin(bsb)-Xtrend(bsb,:)*b0145(1:trend+1)); end else if lshift>0 b2378=bsxfun(@times,yhatnlseaso,Xseaso(bsb,:))... \(yin(bsb)-Xtrend(bsb,:)*b0145(1:trend+1)-X(bsb,:)*b0145((trend+2):(trend+1+nexpl)) - Xlshift(bsb)*b0145(end)); else b2378=bsxfun(@times,yhatnlseaso,Xseaso(bsb,:))... \(yin(bsb)-Xtrend(bsb,:)*b0145(1:trend+1)-X(bsb,:)*b0145((trend+2):(trend+1+nexpl))); end end newbeta(indlinsc)=b2378; newbeta(otherind)=b0145; % betadiff is linked to the tolerance (specified in scalar % reftol) betadiff = norm(oldbeta - newbeta,1) / norm(newbeta,1); oldbeta=newbeta; % exit from the loop if the new beta has singular values. In % such a case, any intermediate estimate is not reliable and we % can just keep the initialbeta and initial scale. if (any(isnan(newbeta))) newbeta = beta0; exitflag=1; break end end end % lik computes the objective function (residual sum of squares/2 = negative % log likelihood) which must be minimized. This function (using global % variable bsb) enable to compute the objective function just for the units % belonging to bsb function obj=lik(beta0) yhattrend=Xtrend(bsb,:)*beta0(1:trend+1); npar=trend+1; if seasonal >0 if seasonal0 Xtre=1+Seq(bsb,2:varampl+1)*beta0((npar+1+nexpl):(npar+varampl+nexpl)); yhatseaso=Xtre.*yhatseaso; npar=npar+varampl; end end if isemptyX yhatX=0; else % Note the order of coefficients is trend, linear part of % seasonal component, expl variables, non linear part of % seasonal component, level shift yhatX=X(bsb,:)*beta0(npar+1-varampl:npar+nexpl-varampl); npar=npar+nexpl; end if lshift >0 % \beta_(npar+1)* I(t \geq \beta_(npar+2)) where beta_(npar+1) % is a real number and \beta_(npar+2) is a integer which % denotes the period in which level shift shows up yhatlshift=beta0(npar+1)*Xlshift(bsb); else yhatlshift=0; end % Fitted values from trend (yhattrend), (time varying) seasonal % (yhatseaso), explanatory variables (yhatX) and level shift % component (yhatlshift) yhat=yhattrend+yhatseaso+yhatX+yhatlshift; % obj = sum of squares of residuals/2 = negative log likelihood obj=sum((yin(bsb)-yhat).^2)/2; % format long % disp(obj) end % lik computes fitted values. This function is called in the very last step % when routine nlinfit is invoked. Please, note the difference beween % likyhat and function objyhat=likyhat(beta0,Xtrendf) yhattrend=Xtrendf*beta0(1:trend+1); npar=trend+1; if seasonal >0 if seasonal0 Xtre=1+Seqf(:,2:varampl+1)*beta0((npar+1+nexpl):(npar+varampl+nexpl)); yhatseaso=Xtre.*yhatseaso; npar=npar+varampl; end end if isemptyX yhatX=0; else % Note the order of coefficients is trend, linear part of % seasonal component, expl variables, non linear part of % seasonal component, level shift yhatX=Xf(:,:)*beta0(npar+1-varampl:npar+nexpl-varampl); npar=npar+nexpl; end if lshift >0 % \beta_(npar+1)* I(t \geq \beta_(npar+2)) where beta_(npar+1) % is a real number and \beta_(npar+2) is a integer which % denotes the period in which level shift shows up yhatlshift=beta0(npar+1)*Xlshiftf; else yhatlshift=0; end % Fitted values from trend (yhattrend), (time varying) seasonal % (yhatseaso), explanatory variables (yhatX) and level shift % component (yhatlshift) objyhat=yhattrend+yhatseaso+yhatX+yhatlshift; % obj = sum of squares of residuals/2 = negative log likelihood end % function J = getjacobianFS(beta,fdiffstep,modelFS,yfit,nans,sweights) % function yplus = call_model_nested(betaNew) % yplus = modelFS(betaNew, Xtrendf); % yplus(nans) = []; % end % J = statjacobianFS(@call_model_nested, beta, fdiffstep, yfit(~nans)); % if ~isempty(sweights) % sweights = sweights(~nans); % J = bsxfun(@times,sweights(:),J); % end % end % function getjacobian % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % subfunction IRWLSreg % ------------------------------------------------------------------- function outIRWLS = IRWLSreg(y,initialbeta,refsteps,reftol,h) %IRWLSreg (iterative reweighted least squares) does refsteps %refining steps from initialbeta % % Required input arguments: % % y: A vector with n elements that contains the response % variable. It can be both a row or column vector. % initialbeta: vector containing initial estimate of beta % refsteps : scalar, number of refining (IRLS) steps % reftol : relative convergence tolerance % Default value is 1e-7 % h : scalar. number of observations with smallest % residuals to consider % % GLOBAL VARIABLES REQUIRED % yhat : A vector with T elements (fitted values for all the % observations) % Output: % % The output consists of a structure 'outIRWLS' containing the % following fields: % betarw : p x 1 vector. Estimate of beta after refsteps % refining steps % numscale2rw : scalar. Sum of the smallest h squared residuals % from final iteration (after refsteps refining % step).It is the numerator of the estimate of the % squared scale. % weights : n x 1 vector. Weights assigned to each observation % In this case weights are 0,1. 1 for the units % associated with the smallest h squared residuals % from final iteration 0 for the other units. % exitflag : scalar which informs about convergence. exitflag = % 0 implies normal convergence % Residuals for the initialbeta res = y - yhat; % Squared residuals for all the observations r2 = res.^2; % Ordering of squared residuals [r2s , i_r2s] = sort(r2); % ininumscale2 = initial value for trimmed sum of squares of % residuals ininumscale2 = sum(r2s(1:h)); % Initialize parameters for the refining steps loop iter = 0; betadiff = 9999; if lshift>0 beta=initialbeta(1:end); else beta = initialbeta; end while ( (betadiff > reftol) && (iter < refsteps) ) iter = iter + 1; if constr==1 % Constrained sum of the smallest squared residuals % Constrained in the sense that initialbeta(end) is always % forced to be in the h subset % Check that unit initialbeta(end) belongs to subset in each % concentration step if sum(i_r2s(1:h)==initialbeta(end))==0 bsb=[i_r2s(1:h-1); initialbeta(end)]; else % i_r2s= units with smallest h squared residuals bsb = i_r2s(1:h); % new coefficients based on units with smallest h squared % residuals end elseif constr ==2 % Check that units initialbeta(end) and initialbeta(end)-1 % belong to subset in each concentration step booLS=sum(i_r2s(1:h)==initialbeta(end)); booLSprev=sum(i_r2s(1:h)==initialbeta(end)-1); if booLS ==0 && booLSprev ==0 bsb=[i_r2s(1:h-2); initialbeta(end)-1; initialbeta(end) ]; elseif booLS ==0 bsb=[i_r2s(1:h-1); initialbeta(end)]; elseif booLSprev ==0 bsb=[i_r2s(1:h-1); initialbeta(end)-1]; else bsb=i_r2s(1:h); end else bsb=i_r2s(1:h); end if varampl==0 && lshift==0 % In this case the model is linear % Function lik constructs fitted values and residual sum of % squares newbeta = Xsel(bsb,:) \ y(bsb); % update residuals yhat = Xsel * newbeta; exitfl=0; elseif lshift>0 if varampl>0 % No minimization is used but just ALS [newbeta,exitfl]=ALS(initialbeta); % Construct vector of fitted values for all the % observations bsb=seq; lik(newbeta); else % If there is just level shift % we update estimate of beta using simple LS Xseld=[Xsel Xlshift]; % newb = new estimate of beta just using units forming % subset (newb does not contain the position of level % shift in the last position) newb = Xseld(bsb,:)\ y(bsb); % yhat = vector of fitted values for all obs yhat=Xseld*newb; % newbeta = new estimate of beta just using units % forming subset (newb also contains as last element % the position of level shift) newbeta=[newb; initialbeta(end)]; exitfl=0; end else % model is non linear because there is jut the time varying amplitude in seasonal component % Use Alternative least squares to update beta (just using % the units forming subset) [newbeta,exitfl]=ALS(beta); % Call lik with bsb=seq in order to create the vector % of fitted values (yhat) using all the observations bsb=seq; lik(newbeta); end % disp([beta newbeta]) % betadiff is linked to the tolerance (specified in scalar % reftol) betadiff = norm(beta - newbeta,1) / norm(beta,1); % exit from the loop if new beta contains nan In % such a case, any intermediate estimate is not reliable and we % can just keep the initialbeta and initial scale. if (any(isnan(newbeta))) || exitfl ~=0 newbeta = initialbeta; numscale2 = ininumscale2; break end % update residuals res = y - yhat; r2= res.^2; % Ordering of all new squared residuals [~ , i_r2s] = sort(r2); % update beta beta = newbeta; end % Store final estimate of beta outIRWLS.betarw = newbeta; % Store final fitted values for all the observations using final % estimate of beta outIRWLS.yhat=yhat; if exitfl==0 if constr==1 if sum(i_r2s(1:h)==initialbeta(end))==0 bsb=[i_r2s(1:h-1); initialbeta(end)]; else % i_r2s= units with smallest h squared residuals bsb = i_r2s(1:h); % new coefficients based on units with smallest h squared % residuals end elseif constr ==2 % Force both initialbeta(end) and initialbeta(end)-1 to belong to % the subset booLS=sum(i_r2s(1:h)==initialbeta(end)); booLSprev=sum(i_r2s(1:h)==initialbeta(end)-1); if booLS ==0 && booLSprev ==0 bsb=[i_r2s(1:h-2); initialbeta(end)-1; initialbeta(end) ]; elseif booLS ==0 bsb=[i_r2s(1:h-1); initialbeta(end)]; elseif booLSprev ==0 bsb=[i_r2s(1:h-1); initialbeta(end)-1]; else bsb=i_r2s(1:h); end else bsb=i_r2s(1:h); end numscale2=sum(r2(bsb)); % store final estimate of trimmed sum of squares of residuals outIRWLS.numscale2rw = numscale2; else outIRWLS.numscale2rw=numscale2; end % store final estimate of the weights for each observation In this % case weights are 0,1. 1 for the units associated with the % units formig subset from final iteration 0 for the other % units. weights=zerT1; weights(bsb)=1; outIRWLS.weights=weights; outIRWLS.exiflag=exitfl; end end %% corfactorRAW function function rawcorfac=corfactorRAW(p,n,alpha) if p > 2 coeffqpkwad875=[-0.455179464070565,1.11192541278794,2;-0.294241208320834,1.09649329149811,3]'; coeffqpkwad500=[-1.42764571687802,1.26263336932151,2;-1.06141115981725,1.28907991440387,3]'; y1_500=1+(coeffqpkwad500(1,1)*1)/p^coeffqpkwad500(2,1); y2_500=1+(coeffqpkwad500(1,2)*1)/p^coeffqpkwad500(2,2); y1_875=1+(coeffqpkwad875(1,1)*1)/p^coeffqpkwad875(2,1); y2_875=1+(coeffqpkwad875(1,2)*1)/p^coeffqpkwad875(2,2); y1_500=log(1-y1_500); y2_500=log(1-y2_500); y_500=[y1_500;y2_500]; A_500=[1,log(1/(coeffqpkwad500(3,1)*p^2));1,log(1/(coeffqpkwad500(3,2)*p^2))]; coeffic_500=A_500\y_500; y1_875=log(1-y1_875); y2_875=log(1-y2_875); y_875=[y1_875;y2_875]; A_875=[1,log(1/(coeffqpkwad875(3,1)*p^2));1,log(1/(coeffqpkwad875(3,2)*p^2))]; coeffic_875=A_875\y_875; fp_500_n=1-(exp(coeffic_500(1))*1)/n^coeffic_500(2); fp_875_n=1-(exp(coeffic_875(1))*1)/n^coeffic_875(2); else if p == 2 fp_500_n=1-(exp(0.673292623522027)*1)/n^0.691365864961895; fp_875_n=1-(exp(0.446537815635445)*1)/n^1.06690782995919; end if p == 1 fp_500_n=1-(exp(0.262024211897096)*1)/n^0.604756680630497; fp_875_n=1-(exp(-0.351584646688712)*1)/n^1.01646567502486; end end if 0.5 <= alpha && alpha <= 0.875 fp_alpha_n=fp_500_n+(fp_875_n-fp_500_n)/0.375*(alpha-0.5); end if 0.875 < alpha && alpha < 1 fp_alpha_n=fp_875_n+(1-fp_875_n)/0.125*(alpha-0.875); end rawcorfac=1/fp_alpha_n; if rawcorfac <=0 || rawcorfac>50 rawcorfac=1; if msg==1 disp('Warning: problem in subfunction corfactorRAW') disp(['Correction factor for covariance matrix based on simulations found =' num2str(rawcorfac)]) disp('Given that this value is clearly wrong we put it equal to 1 (no correction)') disp('This may happen when n is very small and p is large') end end end %% corfactorREW function function rewcorfac=corfactorREW(p,n,alpha) if p > 2 coeffrewqpkwad875=[-0.544482443573914,1.25994483222292,2;-0.343791072183285,1.25159004257133,3]'; coeffrewqpkwad500=[-1.02842572724793,1.67659883081926,2;-0.26800273450853,1.35968562893582,3]'; y1_500=1+(coeffrewqpkwad500(1,1)*1)/p^coeffrewqpkwad500(2,1); y2_500=1+(coeffrewqpkwad500(1,2)*1)/p^coeffrewqpkwad500(2,2); y1_875=1+(coeffrewqpkwad875(1,1)*1)/p^coeffrewqpkwad875(2,1); y2_875=1+(coeffrewqpkwad875(1,2)*1)/p^coeffrewqpkwad875(2,2); y1_500=log(1-y1_500); y2_500=log(1-y2_500); y_500=[y1_500;y2_500]; A_500=[1,log(1/(coeffrewqpkwad500(3,1)*p^2));1,log(1/(coeffrewqpkwad500(3,2)*p^2))]; coeffic_500=A_500\y_500; y1_875=log(1-y1_875); y2_875=log(1-y2_875); y_875=[y1_875;y2_875]; A_875=[1,log(1/(coeffrewqpkwad875(3,1)*p^2));1,log(1/(coeffrewqpkwad875(3,2)*p^2))]; coeffic_875=A_875\y_875; fp_500_n=1-(exp(coeffic_500(1))*1)/n^coeffic_500(2); fp_875_n=1-(exp(coeffic_875(1))*1)/n^coeffic_875(2); else if p == 2 fp_500_n=1-(exp(3.11101712909049)*1)/n^1.91401056721863; fp_875_n=1-(exp(0.79473550581058)*1)/n^1.10081930350091; end if p == 1 fp_500_n=1-(exp(1.11098143415027)*1)/n^1.5182890270453; fp_875_n=1-(exp(-0.66046776772861)*1)/n^0.88939595831888; end end if 0.5 <= alpha && alpha <= 0.875 fp_alpha_n=fp_500_n+(fp_875_n-fp_500_n)/0.375*(alpha-0.5); end if 0.875 < alpha && alpha < 1 fp_alpha_n=fp_875_n+(1-fp_875_n)/0.125*(alpha-0.875); end rewcorfac=1/fp_alpha_n; if rewcorfac <=0 || rewcorfac>50 rewcorfac=1; if msg==1 disp('Warning: problem in subfunction corfactorREW'); disp(['Correction factor for covariance matrix based on simulations found =' num2str(rewcorfac)]); disp('Given that this value is clearly wrong we put it equal to 1 (no correction)'); disp('This may happen when n is very small and p is large'); end end end %FScategory:REG-Regression